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While in many cases a guy with exceptionally big hands may have a larger penis, this is more chance than based upon hereditary information. The very same goes for foot size. Thanks to a scientific study which analyzed the correlation in between foot size and penis size, we can identify whether or not a taller man will likely have a longer penis.

In this relative research study of men, they found that there was no link in between the size of a male's feet and the size of his penis. Nor did it reveal that if a guy had smaller sized feet, that he had a smaller penis.

Under a lot of genetic conditions, foot size is relative to height. Which is to say that the body does its finest to create a human frame that will be biomechanically steady. This suggests, again, under normal genetic influences without any external/internal aspects that may change foot or height, that a male who is tall will generally have bigger feet than a man who is shorter.

The factor for this is that the feet are the very structure (platform) that is used to anchor and support the body in an axial airplane when an individual remains in the erect (standing) posture. If the feet are not large enough to counter-balance and stabilize the gravitational impacts through the axial airplane, the individual will have to apply incredible unconscious muscular contraction to keep the body from tipping over. This will overtax the muscular system and expend (and waste) excessive energy.

This is why taller people common have bigger feet. It is Nature's way of canceling the taller frame to ensure that it (the frame of the body) has a large enough structure (the feet) to permit a human to stand without having to continuously contract muscles to keep the body from falling over.

Now, since we understand that there is no relationship in between the size of a man's feet and the size of a guy's penis, we can apply this truth to recognize that there is no biological relationship between a taller guy having a taller penis versus a smaller sized man having a smaller penis.

Because the penis is not part of the mechanics of posture to make sure that a male has the most effective design for stability (when standing, walking, running, and so on) there would be no biological factor for a guy's penis to have any relation to muscular and skeletal size, design, or strength.

So, unfortunately for women and tall guys, and thankfully for shorter men, a male's penis size can not be determined by examining his height. However, for women, it is fun to imagine what size of a penis a guy may in fact have while he is dressed. It becomes part of the enjoyable, mystery, and potential surprise that waits for a female XXX Gif Blogs who lastly gets to unwrap her guy for the very first time.

Georg von Neumann

Voodoo might be one of the first religions that ever existed. This is due to the fact that it can trace its roots back for 7,000 years. "Voodoo," itself is specified as "spirit" or "secret." Its history is filled with numerous "spells" that have enabled people to flourish and even fight back throughout times of injustice.

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There is a voodoo spell for penis augmentation that was shown me. It is as follows:

Get a piece of brown paper and cut it into as near ideal of a square as you can. The finest source for the paper is from a "barrel" bag. Ensure that there are no discolorations on the paper and select the cleanest and least-wrinkled parts.

Take a tidy and unused cotton swab and "swab" the areas of the penis that you want to enlarge. If you want to expand the penile head, then linearly stroke the "head" with the swab from leading to bottom, in the areas you would like to see an increase in size.

With each stroke, stroke the swab on one side of the notepad. Don't stroke various locations of the penis and after that stroke the paper. No. After each swabbing, swab the paper. Do not touch the locations that have actually been swabbed and hold the paper from the edges. Only swab one side of the paper.

Now, close your eyes and focus on your penis. Picture your penis slowly growing in length and girth. As you visualize your penis getting bigger, fold the paper 3 times in any style you are moved to do so. Fold the "swabbed" portion of the paper inwardly; so that, for instance, with the very first fold, the area that you used the cotton swab to, will be covered and not exposed.

Once completed, push the folded paper against your penis. It ought to be available in direct contact with your penis and there must be no clothing or material to separate the 2. Just paper to skin.

Close your eyes and concentrate on the piece of paper as you press it versus your penis. If you wish to increase the size of the glans (penile head) then push the paper against this area (but only if you rubbed it with the swab). If you wish to enlarge the shaft, press the paper against the shaft. Keep in mind to focus fully during this process.

While you are pressing the folded paper (against your penis) and focusing your attention, shout out:

" I am one with deep space, deep space and I are one.

As I am one with the universe, I have the capacity of the whole universe behind me.

This energy I feel originates from the universe.

I command and accept this power, which I revive,

From my core connection to the universe of which I am one and part of,

I command: Bring My True Penis Size To Me!

Hurry back this power. Hurry back this power."

Each location that you used the cotton end to your penis and paper, requires to have this portion of the penis targeted with the paper. The paper ought to be pushed versus these locations while duplicating the chant. For example, if you did three areas of your penis, then you would state the chant when for each of these locations, so you will have mentioned it three times.

After you have actually finished your chants, unwind and slowly open your eyes. It is not unusual for your heart rate to have increased during the process. Utilizing a tidy ashtray or other comparable things, light the piece of paper with a match (do not use a lighter). Hold the paper at one edge and feel your penis growing as it burns.

As soon as the paper is around 70% scorched, drop the rest of it into this ashtray to consume itself and turn itself completely into ashes.

Next, take the ashes and be careful not to lose any of them ... Go outdoors (if you are inside) and close your eyes and release the ashes into the air. You need to feel a sense of relief and an unshackling of your wicked penis inhibitors as you cast these ashes to the wind.

Within 30 days (the incubation period) your penis will increase the size of to its "real size" if it is the destiny of the universe.

If this "spell" does not work for you, then you may consider alternative approaches to expanding your penis.

Best of luck.